Bonnyville Forest Nursery
Located in Bonnyville, Bonnyville Forest Nursery (BFN) has been producing reforestation container seedlings for the western Canadian market since 1992.
- 15 million container seedlings capacity
- Full service nursery with multiple ranges
- Fully automated gutter-connected facility able to provide the
environment required to consistently grow field-ready reforestation
- Specializes in tissue culture work
- Conducts developmental work in:
- Mycorrhizal stock types;
- Deciduous stock types;
- Stress resistance, and
- Oilfield reclamation.
- Holds Certificate of Recognition under the Alberta Forest Products Association PIR-I audit protocol
Products and Services offered by BFN
Our Staff
- Isabelle Villeneuve - General Manager
- Holly Parsons - Superintendent
- Melinda Giles - Office Manager